Cabrini student gives back to her high school

(from the Daily American)
Cabrini College student Molly Enos is going back to her high school in Somerset, to share with students there her experience in working to reduce greenhouse gas pollution and energy consumption.
Enos, a graduate of the class of 2007, will speak at an assembly at Rockwood Area High School Thursday. The subject is her participation in a Pensylvania-based college student organization called PowerMinders, and the simple things high school students can do to help their families save money on their electric bills.
“I hope my high school’s students will appreciate having a recent grad talk about how they can have an impact on the world they will inherit,” she said. “Conserving energy is on every one’s mind, and I know when I was in high school I was a major reason my parent’s electric bill was higher than it needed to be. I hope we can change that.”
Somerset Rural Electric Cooperative is helping to sponsor the event.
“Giving back to the community is important to Somerset Rural Electric Cooperative,” said Carline Mitchel, marketing specialist at Somerset REC. “It bodes well with the cooperative principles of education and concern for community. We are proud to contribute to the education of our youth, helping secure the future of our local area.”
According to Bob Fiori, founder of PowerMinders, “This is the first high school rogram we’ve done that is sponsored. We are currently working with college and university students throughout Pennsylvania to conserve energy and reduce the
cost of electricity, but we think it’s important for high school students to know that they, too, have a role in making sure that the environment is safe for them and their children. We will be supplying the students with compact fluorescent bulbs
to be installed at home. We hope they will take Molly’s message to heart and join us in making Pennsylvania ‘green.’”
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