PowerMinders has been very active. 1. PowerMinders in Harrisburg: A group of students in the Harrisburg area (currently representing 5 colleges) want to keep going through the summer months while they are on break. These students want to arrange several energy efficiency efforts and they have the momentum to recruit more students as needed to join their group. Here is what they are planning:
a.) Self Install Weatherization kit or CFL giveaways in lower income neighborhoods (which PowerMinders can, box, fulfill, etc).
b.) Education programs at community centers where young kids attending can bring the message of efficiency home and help their families modify energy usage behavior.
c.) Working with inner city communities to create small agricultural projects for sustainability.
d.) An inner city Art contest.
Any organization that can support any of the programs above should contact me at bob@powerminders.com and I will help you set up the right program with these students and make introductions as required.
2. Students from several colleges and universities have been submitting their plans for a CFL bulb giveaways, and energy efficiency kit giveaways in low income neighborhoods surrounding their respective campuses. This giveaway will occur during EarthWeek. These students are dedicated to providing energy savings for lower income, and increasing their campus' relationships with these neighborhoods. Allegheny Power is sponsoring this event. Thank you Allegheny!
3. PowerMinders management and students have been helping a green technology company design and market a "Smart Plug" that is controlled via the internet that when turned "off" eliminates ambient/vampire power in appliances like televisions for the home, and endless devices in the commercial/business market (copiers, monitors, computers, vending machines, etc). This device has the potential to save consumers and businesses significant kWh and money when appliances are in sleep mode but still using energy. (The DOE identifies this as a $3 billion dollar energy use problem per year in the US) Manufacturing of the "Smart Plug" could occur right here in PA!. Hooray! Students will be equipped with the devices fairly soon, and ready to distribute them. As support for students in PA grows, we thank you all for your help. There is so much more to come.
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